For ease of use we have divided screeds into two groups i.e. High Impact Resistantand High Impact – High Temperature.
Each product carries a very brief description, with the Data Sheet giving detailed technical specification and guides on the use of the product and its application.
If you have questions on any product or need clarification on the uses or application, please call us on (01) 457 0868 or drop us an email:
Screeds High Impact Resistant 6mm KLB EP 150
KLB EP 150 is a low-viscosity epoxy-resin for producing decorative reaction resin coatings using coloured and natural sand. EP 150is an easy to apply mortar system. Due to its special composition, the resin has low yellowing properties and is especially suitable for decorative mortar coatings. In addition, it can be used to produce base-coats, levelling coats and scratch-coats.

KLB EP 99 is a formulated, 2-component epoxy-resin binding agent that combines with aggregates to produce an economical coating for industrial and commercial flooring. The product is mixed on site with graded aggregates for the particular application and coating thickness. Since it is supplied as a filler-free binding agent, the product can be economically extended
with the desired aggregate. Mixing allows easy application using a rake and produces coating of very high technical quality.
KLB PU 4009
KLB PU 4009 is a high-quality, 3-component, polyurethane mortar coating that can be applied by rake and is for heavy-duty coatings that are exposed to hot water and chemicals Therefore,. KLB PU 4009 is primarily used in the food industry, e.g. production areas in breweries, dairies, abattoirs, butchery departments, etc. and also in areas where chemicals are used.
KLB PU 4006
KLB PU 4006 is a high-quality, 3-component, polyurethane mortar coating that can be applied by rake and is for heavy-duty coatings that are exposed to water and chemicals. Therefore, KLB PU 4006 is primarily used in the food industry and also in areas where chemicals are used.
KLB PU 4012
KLB PU 4012 is a high-quality, low-slump, 3-component, polyurethane mortar coating for flooring that is resistant to chemicals and to hot water. KLB PU 4012 is a system product that is used to complement KLB 4006, 4009 and PU 4010 Grip when forming straight and coved plinths and skirtings. Itis therefore primarily used in areas the food industry where there is high exposure to wetting and hot water, e.g. in production areas in breweries, dairies, abattoirs, butchery departments, etc. and also in other areas with high exposure to chemicals.